Petrisor fi atent aici.Mai ti minte telefonul pe care m-i l-ai dat ,in care ai zis ca trebuie sa-mi zici una de "rau" si una de "bine"
,cu aia de bine sa rezolvat ne-am inteles de minune...acu cea de "rau"...
Ai zis ca la concursul din Ungaria ,v-am "fu.." eu... ca v-am zis ca nu aveti voie sa folositi pufi la campionatul mondial si regulamentul FIPS nu le interzice....uite aici regulamentul international...
-14- The composition of ground baits and baits must
be of natural origin. It is forbidden to use products of metal origin. Artificial baits of whatever material (polystyrene, rubber, sponge, etc.) such as maggots, silkworms, moths, bloodworms, earthworms, etc. are forbidden.
-15- The competition shall take place by sectors in three legs of 5 hours each (schedule recommended: 9.00 a.m. to 2 p.m.); in case of a forced interruption (e.g. a thunderstorm), the leg will be considered valid providing it has lasted for at least 2 hour.
-16- Each competitor is expected to follow rules of the competition integrally.
-17- Only one single hook may be used on a trace connected to a angling rod. It is forbidden to fish with spoons, artificial flies, baits using living or dead fish (or fishes’ parts), other animal species such as frogs or fish roe.
In case a member of the jury notices or is invited to notice the evident infringement of the articles 17 and 35, during a leg, he has the possibility of requiring the control of the angler’s line or to verify the length of the rod of the angler in question without waiting for the end of the fishing action. If the angler in question refuses to accept the control, he will have to appear before the Jury.
Baits used on the hook must not be mixed on the point, but must be put onto the hook (bread, paste, mixture of substances or baits such as the pellet, boiles, balls of groundbait or pasted baits, ect. are forbidden).The catching of a fish is valid even if it is accidentally hooked outside the mouth
In consecinta EU am avut dreptate si Ungurii NU.Atunci la telefon ti-am cerut o pasuire sa ma re-documentez,nu am vrut sa mai patesc, ce am patit cu Tibi,sti cand am incurcat a iesit ce a iesit.
Pun in continuare regulamentul FIPS complet... ... 10_Ing.docSi modificarile ulterioare ale regulamentului...aici atentie la marimile cosuletului si marimea carligului ... 010_en.doc