ticairlandezu scrie:
The fourth signal marks the beginning of the competition during which anglers can only use light bait .(by light bait, we intend the manipulation using one hand only, without leaning against anything (thigh, bucket, etc.) Only if light baiting is performed using sticky maggots, the latter can only be handled with one hand, but may subsequently be manipulated with both hands to prepare the ball. Balls for light baiting must not be formed before the beginning of the competition (fourth signal).
Asta pentru cei care mai au dubii la felul cum se formeaza bulgarii de nada + viermi colati... pentru intretinere.
Deci :
-nada doar cu o mana fara a te folosi de fundul sau peretii bacului
- viermii colati se iau tot cu o mana din galeata, fara a te ajuta de fund sau de pereti...dar se pot modela cu doua maini.
Stiu, da in eventualitatea in care concurentul are mana...cam cat o lopata si bulgarele de viemre este cam cat un grapefruit...este oare corect?