Nea Fane , am inceput sa rasfoiesc regulamentele Federatiei.Precum banuiam, presedintele si toti vice-atarnatii federatiei sunt afoni in organizarea si desfasurare competitiilor de pescuit.Nici n-am citit mult si uite ce-am se incalca grosolan regulamentul FIPS de competitie.
Ce spune regulamentul tau (copy-paste, de la regulamentul de fotbal, banuiesc) :
Articolul 16 – Competiţii întrerupte sau amânate
1 Competiţia poate fi întreruptă numai de către arbitru.
Arbitru pe care tu l-ai investit cu puteri "divine" dupa chipul si asemanarea asa
SI\ uite cine conduce si hotaraste intr-o comptitie de pescuit sub regulament FIPS
Art.6. Concursurile de pescuit sportiv staţionar vor fi conduse de un Juriu care va asigura desfăşurarea concursului în condiţii regulamentare, va primi, judeca şi soluţiona reclamaţiile şi/sau contestaţiile şi va aplica sancţiunileprevăzute de regulament.
Juriul este alcătuit din:
- Preşedinte;
- Secretar;
- Arbitru Şef;
- Coordonator tehnic;
- Reprezentant al concurenţilor.
După terminarea concursului, Secretarul Juriului, va întocmi un proces verbal, privind organizarea şi desfăşurarea concursului, la care se vor anexa:
- clasamentul final;
- fişele de arbitraj:
Art.66. Litigiile sau contestaţiile ce survin pe timpul desfăşurării concursului şi după acesta, vor fi rezolvate de Juriu,
Art.70. Declanşarea unei furtuni însoţite de descărcări electrice în timpul unei manşe obligă Comitetul de Organizare să oprească, printr-un semnal sonor, desfăşurarea concursului şi să pună la adăpost ...
-28- An international JURY will be appointed to examine any complaints lodged and to apply sanctions as per the rules; the JURY will be made official during the first team managers’ meeting.
The JURY will be composed of the subsequent members:
- the President of F.I.P.S.e.d. or the substitute nominated by him;
- the General Secretary of F.I.P.S.e.d.;
- the members of the Executive Committee of F.I.P.S.e.d. and of the technical, young and environmental commissions that are present at the championships;
- the delegate representing the organizing nation, unless he is of the same nationality as the above mentioned members, apart from the President of F.I.P.S.e.d. (or his substitute) who will automatically be the President of the Jury.
If an infringement is made by a competitor or by a team of the same nationality as a member of the JURY, the latter may not vote (except if he is the President of the JURY).
The members of the JURY must wear a “JURY” badge and they must be present on the competition venue to be able to receive any complaints. A place where one or more members of the JURY always can be found must be indicated.
-29- Any complaints, except for those regarding the classifications, must be submitted to the JURY within 1 hour after the end of the leg. The complaints may be presented verbally, but they must immediately be confirmed in writing.
Complaints concerning the classification must be made within 30 minutes after the official results have been published. The time of publishing will be noted on the official result list. A deposit of 100 € must accompany every written complaint submitted to the JURY. If the JURY does not uphold the complaint, the deposit will be forfeited into the account of F.I.P.S.e.d..
All infractions and warnings must be communicated to the JURY, which is the only authority with powers to decide for or inflict disqualifications. A competitor who is the object of a sanction, must be informed about this immediately.
The JURY members and all general stewards must make sure the rules are followed and they must have perfect knowledge about their contents.
-30- The rules, which are published in the 2 official languages, shall be made available for the JURY and the team managers by the organization of the Championship.
The international JURY will adopt its decisions on a simple majority basis; in the event of a tied vote, the President of F.I.P.S.e.d. or his substitute will have the casting vote.
Deci, cine-i "Dumnezeul" aista al tau numit Arbitru
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