Am trecut cu rosu in document, modificarile (ceea ce este in Cips, si nu la noi). Sunt in engleza si nu s-a editat articolul pentru ca nu stiu care vor fi incluse si nu am atributii in acest sens.
Deci, un mic rezumat:
- in afara arbitrilor, doar capitanii au voie la echipa sa intre in standuri, maxim 2 de echipa. - concurenţii care în manşa anterioară au ocupat capetele sau antecapetele de sector (nu se considera capat de sector in cazul sectoarelor invecinate, fara separare) nu mai au dreptul să le ocupe. Aceştia vor trage primii la sorţi după ce în prealabil numerele standurilor respective au fost extrase din urnă. După ce concurenţii respectivi au tras la sorţi, numerele respective vor fi reintroduse în urnă şi tragerea la sorţi va continua cu ceilalţi concurenţi. - la concursurile pe echipe, introducerea grilei: The assignment of the first leg positions will be made according to a drawing system previously decided by F.I.P.S.e.d.. This grid has been constructed in such a way that the anglers of one team are spread out within a fifth of a sector (a quarter for Veterans and Youth). Drawing lot will be carried out by each team captain (or by its representative) in the 2nd leg, just considering tail-enders and pre-tail enders. - Art.24. Cantitatea totală de nadă vie inclusiv momeala pentru cârlig este de 2,5 litri nepresată pentru o manşă din care maximum 1 litru de fuilles şi larvă de chironomide (libelulă).Cantitatea maxima de larve de chironomide este de 0,5l/mansa.
Apart from hooking bloodworm, bound only for the hook and kept and presented in the water (baiting bloodworms shall be kept in the proper boxes of “official measure”), any other bait bound for ground baiting or hooking shall be presented in “official measure” boxes; any other form of presentation of baits during the control will be seized and sanctioned (one point penalty in the sector ranking). The ground baits must be presented at the controls in graduated buckets and the baits in boxes of the “official dimensions”. The competitors must obligatorily be equipped with their own buckets and boxes of the right size. Competitors not in possession of “official size” boxes shall receive one penalty place on the sector score table (for example, a competitor who does not have boxes at the end of the leg and is awarded 5th place will be assigned 6 points instead of 5. The competitor in sixth place shall, in any case, be assigned 6 points). - 10.- The sieving of ground baits (through a sieve, hamper, landing nets’ tip and others) as well as the mixing (with electric mixer) is forbidden once the check has been carried out. The use of sprays is allowed to stick the baits. It is strictly forbidden to wet again ground baits after the control and until the “heavy” ground baiting (3rd signal) with water or any other liquid (kind of additive) or by any other means (hands, spray, sponge, vessel, etc.); after the “heavy” ground baiting only the use of the spray will be allowed to wet the ground bait. Aquatic larvae (jokers and bloodworms) may be presented in no more than two boxes (e.g. ¼ of bloodworms in a ¼ box and ¾ of jokers in a ¾ box). The boxes shall be closed without the use of any instrument required to keep them in the same conditions (e.g. adhesive tape may not be used to keep the lid closed); - Baits used on the hook must not be mixed on the point, but must be put onto the hook (bread, paste, mixture of substances or baits such as the pellet, boiles, balls of ground bait or pasted baits, etc. are forbidden). The catching of a fish is valid even if it is accidentally hooked outside the mouth. The deliberate foul hooking of fish is prohibited. The possession or use of echo sounders is prohibited, including during training. Every fish caught but not hanging from the angler’s line shall not be considered valid and shall be put back in water. During the competition, anglers are not allowed to use auriculars or walkie-talkies. - The fish exiting the box and sighted in neutral areas or in the ring of adjacent competitors shall be considered valid; however, if a line with a fish is hooked by a neighbour’s line, the fish must be put back into the water without delay; in case the competitor refuses this and puts the fish in question into the net, without a previous authorization, during the final weighing phase, the person in charge of the weighing must weigh the biggest fish separately and make note of its weight on the competitor’s card. After the deliberation, the Jury shall decide whether to annul the weight of the fish or not in relation to the total weight. The competitor will receive a yellow card warning (see list of warning), if the fish is not considered valid. - -20- Competitors are not allowed to receive outside help; only the team manager is authorized to access the angling ring of the competitors of his team and this only to give verbal advice; a team manager is not allowed into the ring of an angler who is not part of his team. - When very small fish such as alevin or fry are caught, which do not register on the scales (scales scores 0 grams), the fishermen will be classified in order of how many fish were caught and then placed in order after those fishermen who qualified according to the weight of the fish.
Cam asta, in principal. Apropo, foarte multi pescari sustin trecerea la 2 manse pentru locale, interjudet si Finala B. Argumente, destule.
_________________ Www.MatchFishing.Ro