Uszkay Istvan scrie:
Imi pare rau, dar nu pot sa fiu de acord cu nea Jean Scurtu.
Benzar este Multiplu Campion National al Romaniei si merita pe deplin apelativul de "Super Benzar", iar Radu Prisacariu, fiind antrenorul lui la Iberian Master, merita deasemenea apelativul de Maestru.
Cunosc bine palmaresul D-lui Ion Pana, dar ma refeream la perioada moderna a pescuitului stationar!
Din pacate, constatam mereu aceeasi lipsa de respect si recunostiinta fata de valorile noastre autentice! Se pare ca ... astia suntem. Pacat!
S-ar parrea ca nu am spus nimic referitor la "Super Benzar" daca citesti atent cele scrise de mine.Benzar e intradevar un pescar exceptional.De asemenea in postare nu se spunea despre"perioada moderna" a pescuitului asa ca interventia mea e corecta.
De ce nu spuneti si "Super Kosa" ca si el are tot atatea titluri de campion pe tara ca si Benzar???
Eu am respectat si voi respecta intotdeauna valorile romanesti autentice chiar daca cei in discutie sunt unguri,asa ca nu generaliza chiar daca de multe ori ai dreptate.In cazul meu nu ai dreptate.Pot sa-ti spun ca eu din strainatate tin mai mult la orice realizare a unui roman(de orice nationalitate0 ,poate chiar mai mult ca multi romani de acasa.
Cat despre titlul de "maestru" dat lui Radu Prisacariu il consider aiurea indiferent ce crezi tu.
Aici in Texas ,unde multi pescari ma apreciaza ca pescar,eu am avut bunul simt sa contrazic pescarii ce m-au numit "maestru al ROLLOVER PASS"(locul meu preferat de pescuit) ,sau "king of ROLLOVER PASS".
Si poti vedea ca cele spuse de mine sunt reale citind (cred ca intelegi engleza sau ai pe cineva sa-ti traduca) cele scrise pe forumul pescarilor texani( de pescari pe care nu-i cunosc ,precum si raspunsul meu.
Rollover Pass question [Re: dschubot]
Green Horn
Registered: 03/17/12
Posts: 16 Still debating if I want to drive that far or just hit the jetties on Galveston. If you see a silver jeep with black doors thats me.
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#7524765 - 05/13/12 05:09 PM Re: Rollover Pass question [Re: dschubot]
Jean Scurtu
Registered: 10/13/08
Posts: 445
Loc: Houston.Texas Originally Posted By: dschubot
Thanks Jean. An update from the Rollover Master himself. Anyone know how the seaweed is? Last time I was out it was to bad to fish. Maybe some surf fishing is due.
I am not "ROLLOVER MASTER”, I am just average fisherman, but i am fishing little different, with long rods( over 10’), and because i like finesse fishing.
Sometimes i catch fish, sometimes not, but if the fish are in the channel and another catching for sure i catch to using just artificial baits.
If somebody was catching specks today maybe is not so many sea weeds.
On the jetty in Galveston, must be the same dirty water, but at ROLLOVER PASS the outgoing tide bring, not very clear water, but good for fishing.
I already decided to go fishing tomorrow at ROLLOVER PASS.
Jean Scurtu
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#7531393 - 05/15/12 10:16 AM Re: Rollover Pass question [Re: dschubot]
Jean Scurtu
Registered: 10/13/08
Posts: 445
Loc: Houston.Texas Originally Posted By: dschubot
Still debating if I want to drive that far or just hit the jetties on Galveston. If you see a silver jeep with black doors thats me.
Please read my report about my fishing yersterday,Monday 14 May 2012( on "salt water report"topic)at ROLLOVER PASS.
Jean Scurtu
Jean Scurtu
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#7532966 - 05/15/12 03:43 PM Re: Rollover Pass question [Re: dschubot]
Registered: 04/11/12
Posts: 76 Jean,
You are the only one that fishes no where but roll over pass for a while now. You know a lot more about that place than any of us here does
If it's not qualified for master level, I'm not sure what is
Numai bine,
Jean Scurtu