Cum spune si anuntul,
Vand Hardy Marksman Supero E#xtreme 12 ft intr-o stare impecabila folosit ocazional in partidele de placere. Vine echipat cu 3 varfuri, dar unul dintre varfuri cel de 1.5oz a avut un mic accident o bucate de 2.3 cm sa rupt! Dar am cumparat un varf nou de 1oz, deci il vand cu 4 varfuri, se poate folosi si cel cu probleme.
Pretul este de 1200 lei negociabil/ transport inclus in pret, relatii la telefon si wattsup: tel: 0721995537 Sorin
Detalii tehnice doar in engleza am gasit:
Formulă: 2+3 Greutate: gr218 Lungime: cm367 Lungime transport: cm157 (cu tub +7cm) Test: 70 gr Topuri: 1,5, 2,5, 3,5 carbon gol Diametrul de sus: mm 3,51 Diametrul lalelei: mm 3.00 Diametrul golului în cap: mm 13.08 Diametrul primului inel de la cap: mm 11.03 Diametru mâner: mm 23 Material pentru mâner plută
Marksman Supero Extreme Feeder 12ft with 1.5oz, 2.5oz & 3.5oz hollow carbon quivertips
This serious feeder rod is capable of casting well in excess of 100 metres! It's surprisingly lightweight and responsive, which has been achieved by using higher modulus carbons, along with better balanced hollow carbon quivertips. The latter blend extra smoothly with the high modulus blank, creating less bounce and friction on the cast, while magnifying every tiny indication. This rod is built for demanding tasks, or targeting really big fish. Features include the following: •Super high modulus carbon. •Fuji braid safe line guides. •Hardy Total Anti-Lock Action. •Custom reel seat & top quality fittings. •Both models have a progressive power action. •Supplied in a quality cordura tube and with a Velcro-fastening rod bag.
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