philiphito scrie:
Wind drift occurs when the surface water is moved towards one end of the lake, and subsurface water moves in the opposite direction to compensate. The amount of drift can be quite considerable.
Remember, with wind drift, that the float is being blown one way, the hook bait towed in the opposite direction.
Depth of water; strength of flow; size of bait; number, placing and size of split shot; and line diameter will all play a part.
The important thing to remember is that, like river fishing, there is likely to be a bow in the line between float and hook. You need to fish overdepth to compensate for this, paricularly if you are aiming to present a bait at or near the bottom.
The other thing to remember is that your groundbait/loose feed is going to end up a long way from where it hits the water, and will probably be scattered over a wide area, as first the surface drift drags it one way, then back the other way as the undertow takes command. Consider using a feeder to bait a tight area. The sink rate of the groundbait needs to be taken into account.
Especially if you are fishing for summer shoals, mid water; working out where they are gathering to intercept the loose feed is the secret. If you are just throwing in feed around your float, you could just be drawing fish away from your hookbait!
Bringing all these factors together, and finding the fish, isn't at all easy.
But then when you start catching, and other anglers, just going through the motions aren't, it ain't half satisfying!
Deriva plutei cauzata de vant se intampla cand stratul superficial al apei este impins de vant intr-o directie , sub valuri apa miscandu-se in sens opus pt. a compensa.
Distnta de miscare a plutei poate fi foarte mare.
Din cauza vantului pluta este data intr-o parte,iar carligul cu momeala tinde sa o ia in directie opusa.
Factori importanti sunt: adancimea apei, puterea curentului, marimea momelii,numarul/pozitionarea si marimea plumbajului, diametrul firului.
Important este, ca si in pescuitul la rau, existenta unei ‘burti’ a firului intre pluta si carlig.
Trebuie sa pescuiti cu adancime mai mare decat a apei pt a compensa asta, in special daca doriti prezentarea momelii pe sau deasupra fundului.
Alt lucru important este ca nada(si de baza si de intretinere) va ajunge pe fund la o distant mare fata de unde a lovit apa si probabil va fi imprastiata pe o suprafata mare; pt ca la inceput este dusa de valuri intr-o parte, apoi curentul submers devine important, ducand-o in partea opusa.
Luati in considerare folosirea unui feeder pt a momi o suprafata restransa.
Daca pescuiti dupa bancuri de pesti intre ape, tineti cont de viteza de coborare a nadei. Secretul este sa va dati seama undese aduna pestii sa intercepteze nada.
Daca doar aruncati nada in jurul plutei s-ar putea doar sa indepartati pestii de momeala
Nu e usor deloc sa coroborati acesti factori si sa gasiti pestele, dar in momentul cand incepeti sa prindeti si ceilalti pescari nu , veti avea o mare satisfactie.